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Remember to sign the new contract

Everyone living with Sit and who wants to continue living in the autumn must sign a new contract no later than 30 April.

NB! This year, Sit will increase the rent more than usual.

Due to the strong price increase we have experienced in recent years, and very high interest rate, we find it necessary to increase our rents somewhat more than usual for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025. Prices will increase on average by around 5.8%, but this will vary between different student villages. This is an increase somewhat above the consumer price index (CPI) but renting from Sit should still be a safe and affordable option compared to many private and commercial landlords.

Also note that the price for energy in the contract agreement is increased by 4.8%, in line with the CPI.

The contract you have with Sit ends on 31 July 2024. If you wish to continue living in the autumn, you must sign a new contract with new conditions. The prerequisite is that you still meet the requirements for living in student accommodation and that you are on schedule with your payments. You can find the new contract for the same rental property that you have today at - "my page". The contract must be signed no later than 30 April 2024. If you do not wish to sign the new contract, you can choose to decline it on "my page". For those who rent a parking space/storage, remember that you must sign new contract(s) for it/these as well.

Are you unsure whether you want to sign a new contract? We recommend that you sign the new contract. Remember that you only have a two-month notice period, and if you want to stay until, for example, [05.08.2024], you can sign a new contract and then terminate the contract by [05.06.2024]. 

Are you considering switching to another housing through Sit? We recommend that you still sign a new contract, as you may not be able to book new housing before your current contract expires. Note that there is no notice period when you switch housing internally in Sit.

Do you want your partner to be the contract holder for the new contract? The procedure of changing the main tenant must be completed before the deadline on 30 April. Please send an email to as soon as possible to receive the procedure.

Are you unsure if you are still entitled to rent housing through Sit? See allocation regulations for Sit Bolig