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Mastery course

Do you want to get to know yourself better while getting support from a group? This is a free conversation group where you will receive help and support to tackle life. The topics of conversation are decided by the group.

Course information

  • Duration: 6 days 3 hours each time + 1 follow-up meeting - NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian

  • Places: 8

  • Price: Free of charge. A no-show fee of NOK 400 will be applied if you fail to attend without notice.

The topics are determined by the participants themselves.

Examples of relevant topics include:

  • Who am I and what gives me value?
  • Setting boundaries
  • Loneliness and community
  • Relationships with friends and family

You set your own goals for participating in the group.

The course is an opportunity to set aside time for yourself. The group provides a safe environment and a forum to discuss what is important for a good student life and overall well-being. By getting to know others, you also get to know yourself. We share different experiences and perspectives in the group, aiming to be understanding not only towards others but also towards ourselves.

A very open and inclusive atmosphere was created where everyone had the opportunity to open up and share their problems.

Student 26 years old

Course leaders

  • Profilbilde av Marit R. Lund

    Marit er utdannet barnehagelærer og har videreutdanning innen personal-og organisasjonsutvikling, veiledning, prosessledelse og kognitiv terapi. Hun har lang erfaring fra å jobbe med studenter og mestring. Dette både individuelt og i gruppe. Hun leder mange av mestringskursene i Sit.

  • Studenthumanisten er en samtalepartner og et lavterskel samtaletilbud for alle studenter. Emma har bakgrunn med master i filosofi og videreutdanning i etiske og eksistensielle dialoger. Hun startet opp studenthumanisten i Trondheim sommeren 2020, ansatt av Human-Etisk Forbund. Tidligere har hun jobbet blant annet innen attføring og i kriminalomsorgen.
